What Dose of Nature Do We Need to Feel Better?

I rarely “reblog” however, I really feel this study is very important.

I walk to the lake every so often during the week to replenish, and soothe my anxiety.

I discovered, that I too, often feel much calmer after a trip near the water and the tall tall trees. If I could, I would live there.

So check out the article, let me know what you think.


central-park Central Park, New York City / Drive the District

There has been a boom in studies demonstrating the health benefits of spending time in nature, or even just looking at nature. But a group of ambitious landscape architects and psychologists are actually trying to determine how to prescribe a “nature pill.” The big remaining questions are: What dose of nature exposure is needed to achieve maximum mental and physical health benefits (how long and how frequently)? And what form of nature works best? In a talk at the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) conference in Los Angeles, MaryCarol Hunter, ASLA, a landscape architect and ecologist at the University of Michigan, described her efforts to create the guidelines for landscape designs that can lead to the greatest impact.

Hunter and her team examined 44 people over 8 weeks. She asked them to go out and immerse themselves in…

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