8 Reasons Why I Believe in Myself

I believe in myself because I can make a stranger smile just by smiling at them.

I believe in myself because I can see the beauty in something withered and torn.

I believe in myself because I can cry, laugh and scream all at the same time.

I believe in myself because I can multi-task without even realising it.

I believe in myself because when lost I am able to follow my inner compass even through the forest.

I believe in myself because I have gifts.

I believe in myself because I can see far ahead, yet take myself to where I am at the moment.

I believe in myself because of my faith in the impossible… that is why, my friends, I believe in me!

Do you believe in yourself? Tell me why?

Love and light



5 thoughts on “8 Reasons Why I Believe in Myself

  1. I Believe in myself even when the sun is not shinning, I Believe in myself even when I am alone, I believe in myself even when God is silent, I believe in myself even when others do not, I believe in myself no matter what is coming at me, I believe in myself even when I fall, I believe in myself and work through every obstacle and work to make it a stepping stone instead, I believe in myself for that is all I know to do to keep going, I believe in myself even in times when I doubt myself and why I am here, I believe in myself for in doing so i learn to believe in all that is within me to come forth to those around me to fulfill my purpose and dreams for i know no other way to Be than keep Believing or one gives up and that is just not an option.



  2. Because I’m a mother and have raised a super kid!

    Because I went back to college in my 30’s and finished!

    Because I know I can do anything I truly set my mind to.

    Because if I don’t believe in me, who will?


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