How Does an Elephant Get Down from a Tree?

I chose the title because it reminds me of a time  of my childhood.  My cousin told me this joke up in the cottage attic, and I thought my aunt would scream “one more time GET TO SLEEP!”. That night, I just couldn’t stop laughing!  I will reveal, if you do not know, the punch line at the bottom.

Today’s post came out of the blue, and all of a sudden, elephants started appearing in my mind, sending me on a tangent of research. So here goes one of my most cryptic posts.  I hope you enjoy.

I have thoughts rummaging through my mind these days. I’ve started to get lost in my musings again and I feel so much coming up from deep inside.  Fear is one of them.

Tears get shed, as I clear away some remaining pain… can you feel that?  Can you hear the cries that ring in your ears?  I can…

Fact no. 1

Elephant trunks can get very heavy. It is not uncommon to see elephants resting them over a tusk!

Things anger me.. I go off on a rant, I feel better, then, hours later I cry! I lay down my trunk.

Um… mountain?  GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!

Fact no. 2

Elephants cry, play, have incredible memories, and laugh!

I feel like an elephant, strong, feisty and ready to charge when faced with a challenge. I am here for myself, for my children, ready to protect them in a single bound!  I am fierce, and I am loyal, and loving.  Just like the elephant, I play, I cry, I laugh.

Step 1, step 2, step 3! 

1.   I notice, since writing down my feelings (almost a play by-play) for a class I am taking, that I am able to feel and deal with whatever comes up almost immediately.  2. After days and days of clearing away, bigger more POWERFUL feelings emerge. 3. I am able to pull out the cleaning products, put on rubber gloves, and pull all that gunk OUT!   

Cry baby cry, mama’s here, I’ll comfort you.

Fact no. 3

Elephants are sensitive fellow animals where if a baby complains, the entire family will rumble and go over to touch and caress it.

As the tears come, and my body shakes, I hold my own hand.. I want to reach out, and tell everyone my sorrows.. but NO, these sorrows are mine, and do not always need to be shared.  I can do it.

I CAN DO IT! I am EFFING’ terrified, but I will dance with fear!

I can mother myself!  I can coddle myself!  I can run to myself!

Gone is the old Kim, she would be telling you right now what is wrong in her life.. .all detailed and oh yes. she IS  a victim. She would wait on you hand and foot for validation, for approval, for your love! I have my tools, and I WILL use them.

Fact no. 4

Elephants don’t drink with their trunks, but use them as “tools” to drink with. This is accomplished by filling the trunk with water and then using it as a hose to pour it into the elephant’s mouth.

I will not allow ANYONE to define who I AM! I forbid it!

NO! I am who I am, a crazy mama, purple haired and emotional.  I cry a lot, and I love to sing.  I can be somewhat lazy, but that’s not who I am!  I am what is.. and that’s it!  I am you and really you  are me!

Do you see the reflection?

NO!  You will not deter me from my path.  I am guided by spirit.  I am here to ask questions, I am here to learn. I am determined to fulfill my purpose.

I AM elephant, hear me roar!

I am here for you, and I am here for myself, taking a blanket and wrapping us together.

Fact no. 5

Elephants have greeting ceremonies when a friend that has been away for some time returns to the group.

As I greet myself to this present moment, I greet you right here and now and honor you as I honor myself.

Note:  All elephant facts are quoted from

Punchline:  … it waits until the Fall, and floats down on a leaf!  HA!

4 thoughts on “How Does an Elephant Get Down from a Tree?

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